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Q :
I am not happy that my husband uses pornography on the internet. Should I divorce him?
A :

Your husband’s misuse of the internet is contrary to the teachings of Islam. Voice your concerns to him and try to help him not to use it. Divorce should always be considered as a final option if you believe that there is no future left in the relationship. Your patience will be rewarded as the Messenger (PBUH) said: " أيُما إمرأة صَبـَرت عَلَى سُوء خُلـُق زَوْجِـِهَا إِلا وأَعَطَاهَا الله مِن الأجرِ ِمثل َمَا أَعَطْى آسِيَة بَنَت مُزَاحِم ".

Dr. Sabry Abdel-Raouf

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